Version Changelog
Developement Updates
Status update
Hi fellow botters! We are right now in the process of making closed beta tests in order to get the biggest bugs out. After this, we will start with our open BETA. We want to make sure that you dont encounter all the bugs as well! Thanks for everybodys support so far
Announcement about public beta!
Hello everybody, a public beta test is being planned soon, and during this beta the bot can be used on GF and SG Servers. The features will be similar to the screenshots currently visible on the front page and it should not take much longer until it starts. Maybe a few weeks! PS: A Discord…
Starting beta soon!
Greetings my friends, during the last 6 months we made the bot almost ready to release! Most features for the start are ready and we will be offering public beta tests soon! Additionally, a Trailer will also be published soon!